Letzte Änderung : 24.01.2025 22:00:32   


Code: 299750
Module title: Research Project Computer Science
Version: 1.0 (01/2024)
Last update: 13.02.2024 10:44:50
Person responsible for content: Prof. Dr.-Ing. ten Hagen, Klaus

Offered in:Electrical Engineering (B.Eng.) valid from class 2024

Semester according to timetable: WiSe (winter semester)
Module level:Bachelor/Diplom
Duration:1 semester
Language of Instruction:English
Place where the module will be offered:Zittau und Görlitz

ECTS Credits: 10
Student workload (in hours): 300

Number of hours of teaching:
subdivided into
Laboratory work
Self study time (in hours):
subdivided into
Preparation of contact hours
Preparation of exam

Learning and teaching methods:The purpose of this course is to prepare you for independent scientific work in your master´s thesis. This research project also provides the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the scientific research area of ​​the master´s thesis.

To this end, the professors offer various research projects over the course of the previous semester. The students select a research area and form seminar groups.

Seminars (4 SWS):

The details of the research topics are presented in the seminar groups. In this seminar, the students present their theses, expected results, their plans to clarify the question, interim results and of course the results.

Consultations (4 SWS):

The consultations discuss the progress of a student or a small group with fewer than three students.

Definition of the research project

Presentation of intermediate results

Discussion of the current status

Determination of the work for the next week

Independent work (6 SWS) in a group or individually on a laptop to solve the research task

In preparation for the project defense, one document must be prepared for each student or small group as a written scientific and technical report. Furthermore, the presentation for the project defense must be created.

Assessment Major examination (written report)

Syllabus plan/Content: One document as a scientific-technical report per student/small group.
The results of the project will be presented in a lecture and possible demonstration of 20 minutes with 10 minutes of discussion. The defense is public because a lecture from an audience is more motivating and questions from the other students are welcome.

Learning Goals
Subject-specific skills and competences: The students consider and discuss economic, ecological, social and legal aspects beyond purely technical issues. While the modules with a predominantly lecture character (statistics, intelligent agents...) focus on expanding the relevant knowledge base, the modules with a certificate completion (advanced database concepts, data mining...) are particularly concerned with the students put this knowledge into practice, include it in finding solutions and develop holistic solutions.
The students know the requirements of scientific work and can apply and implement them (largely) independently. You have theoretical knowledge of established methods of modeling and abstraction and can use this to design and answer scientific questions and develop practical solutions.
The students analyze and abstract technical problems using known and unknown boundary conditions. You can assess what the solution space looks like (unsolvable - clear solution - many solutions) and derive instructions based on this. You will design problem-solving approaches using well-known creativity methods.
The students are able to apply subject-specific scientific methods in a meaningful, procedural manner. They know the possibilities and, in particular, the limitations of the methods and use this knowledge for a differentiated assessment of the problem-solving approach found. Students have developed an increased level of familiarity with the methods, which allows them to explore new areas of responsibility with a high level of flexibility.
Students are aware of the current state of technology in the areas of their specialization, can meaningfully predict future development trends and derive appropriate problems.
Generic competences (Personal and key skills): Students have a sufficient thirst for knowledge and curiosity to independently carry out comprehensive literature research that meets scientific standards. You can systematize and prepare the results of this research so that they can be used for your own or third-party use.
Students can present the results of their work in an understandable and comprehensible manner and defend them in an appropriate form. Depending on the module, this refers to acquired specialist knowledge (e.g. in oral or written examinations) or to comprehensive problem solutions developed (e.g. in presentations on project and paper work). Students are able to receive criticism of the work/solutions and use them to improve the solution.
Students can work effectively together in small groups to solve tasks. In addition to strong teamwork skills, they have self-organization and conflict resolution skills. The aspect of taking interculturality into account arises almost automatically due to the fundamentally very heterogeneous composition of the student groups.
The module starts with an introduction to the current problems of the research project. The specialist skills covered in this module are determined by the current research project.
The specific content arises from the research directions of the department.
Compare F3 and M1: Due to the plurality in the teaching of scientific theories, models, definitions, instruments and methods, students are sensitized to the fact that there are different technical solution options depending on the environmental conditions, in which technical, economic, ecological and social questions must be taken into account equally and conflicting goals need to be resolved.
There are only a few tasks in modern computer science that can be completed alone. Most tasks require social skills. In the past, the main reason for the failure of a diploma thesis was a lack of competence in the area of ​​time management. When working in a group, reaching the goal in a timely manner is made more difficult by prematurely relying on others. Therefore, in the consecutive Bachelor-Master degree program, students should be guided in the following steps to acquire skills in time management and the ability to take on responsibility as a group:

Research project in the bachelor´s degree program as a group

Several parallel courses in the first semester of the master´s program as a group

Several parallel documents in the second semester of the master´s program as a group with dependencies between the groups

Research project in the master´s degree program individually or as a group

Master´s thesis individually or as a group

By the second semester of the master´s program, many students have reached a level of mastery of planning techniques and social skills that allow one group to use the results of another group in the same semester. To do this, the individual groups must plan the work on their projects together and then stick to the group-wide plan. Personal skills such as initiative, goal orientation and perseverance are developed in these stages in order to then work on a scientific question in the master´s thesis based on the results of others in a research group.
An important task of this module is to develop motivation, self-motivation and goal orientation in order to then work on several projects in different subjects at the same time in the first semester of the master´s degree program.
The defense serves to develop presentation techniques and communication skills in front of a larger group with presentation and defense in front of the student.

Prerequisites: Familiarity with the objectives and methods of scientific research in general and the foundations of the selected area of research.

Literature: Current publications in the selected area of research