Letzte Änderung : 10.01.2025 10:56:48   


Code: 293100
Module title: Business English B2
Version: 1.0 (03/2023)
Last update: 25.05.2023 05:22:03
Person responsible for content: Ass. Lübeck, Ulrike

Dr. Marcellino, Cristiano

B.Sc. Cope, Jeremy

Offered in 3 study courses:
Business Administration (B.A.) valid from class 2024
European Business (B.A.) valid from class 2025
Sustainable Business Administration (B.A.) valid from class 2024

Semester according to timetable: SoSe+WiSe (summer and winter semester)
Module level:Bachelor/Diplom
Duration:1 semester
Language of Instruction:English
Place where the module will be offered:Zittau

ECTS Credits: 5
Student workload (in hours): 150

Number of hours of teaching:
subdivided into
Laboratory work
Self study time (in hours):
subdivided into
Preparation of contact hours
Preparation of exam

Learning and teaching methods:The module content is taught in the form of exercises that serve to impart knowledge, train subject-specific practical skills and methodology and to work on exemplary tasks in cooperation between teachers and students.
Further information: The module examination consists of two examinations. The oral examination consists of two examination parts.
Students who do not have the recommended prior knowledge of English must acquire this on their own responsibility.

Assessments Major oral exam 90 min 50.0%
Major written exam 90 min 50.0%

Syllabus plan/Content: - goal-oriented reading, summarising / reproducing important information
- use/analysis of graphical representations
- use of specialised vocabulary in the appropriate context
- business correspondence
- situational effective telephoning
- conference language, case studies, cultural studies

Learning Goals
Subject-specific skills and competences: After completing the module, students will be able to,
- understand the content of extensive job-related spoken and written texts
- describe and evaluate graphical representations
- write coherent and clearly structured general and subject-related texts using a wide range of linguistic devices
- prepare English-language lectures/presentations and deliver them in an appropriate and customer-oriented manner
- converse fluently and spontaneously on general, subject-related and professional topics without major constraints
- handle various communication situations (e.g. negotiations, presentations, telephone calls) in a customer-oriented manner.
In addition, a broad specialised vocabulary will have been acquired.
Generic competences (Personal and key skills): After successful participation in this module, students will be able to:
- use a variety of media, methods and social competences in a differentiated way to achieve the above subject competences
- work independently, but also in (small) groups
- to deal with intercultural differences and gender-specific issues and to think and act in intercultural contexts
- to think and act in an interdisciplinary way

Prerequisites: A-level or comparable previous knowledge of English (level B1)

Literature: Feiertag/Hooton/Maderdonner: Business to Business
Cotton/Falvey/Kent: Market Leader
W.Cullen/D.Lehniger: B for Business
B.Mascull: Business Vocabulary in Use etc.