Code: | 293050 |
Module title: | Human Resource Management |
Version: | 1.0 (02/2023) |
Last update: | 5.05.2023 06:35:45 | Person responsible for content: | Prof. Dr. phil. Zips, Sebastian |
Offered in: | European Business (B.A.) valid from class 2025 |
Semester according to timetable: | SoSe (summer semester) |
Module level: | Bachelor/Diplom |
Duration: | 1 semester |
Language of Instruction: | English |
Place where the module will be offered: | Zittau |
ECTS Credits: | 5 |
Student workload (in hours): | 150 |
Number of hours of teaching: | |||||||
Lecture |
Seminar/Exercise |
Laboratory work |
Other |
Self study time (in hours): | |||||||
Learning and teaching methods: | Lectures |
Exam(s) | |||
Assessment | Major written exam | 90 min | 100.0% |
Syllabus plan/Content: | Specialisation in the field of human resources management: - Recruitment and employer branding - Personnel appraisal - Staff release - Personnel remuneration - Personnel and organisational development - International personnel management - Strategic personnel management - Megatrend: New Work |
Learning Goals | |
Subject-specific skills and competences: | After successful participation in this module, students will be able to independently familiarise themselves with a specific personnel topic (e.g. performance appraisal), successfully solve problems there, approach them holistically and also act in a factual manner. Similarly, after successful participation, students will be able to successfully carry out personnel-specific projects and successfully use digital media (e.g. Power Point). |
Generic competences (Personal and key skills): | Interdisciplinary competences: After successful participation in this module, students will be able to communicate successfully with others as well as to make well-founded decisions, to assess facts accurately and to actively initiate actions. |
Prerequisites: | None |
Literature: | TBD |