Letzte Änderung : 24.01.2025 22:00:32   


Code: 285350
Module title: Computer-aided Specialist Translation and Communication (CAT)
Version: 1.0 (01/2022)
Last update: 5.02.2022 16:30:48
Person responsible for content: Prof. Dr. phil. Dopleb, Matthias

Offered in:International Business Communication (B.A.) valid from class 2022

Semester according to timetable: SoSe (summer semester)
Module level:Bachelor/Diplom
Duration:1 semester
Language of Instruction:English
Place where the module will be offered:Görlitz

ECTS Credits: 5
Student workload (in hours): 150

Number of hours of teaching:
subdivided into
Laboratory work
Self study time (in hours):
subdivided into
Preparation of contact hours
Preparation of exam

Learning and teaching methods:Seminar combined with a large variety of exercises in the language laboratory (G II/0.71) making use of computers/laptops, the internet and special software.
Further information: Student laptops/tablets will be used regularly in class

Assessment Major written exam 120 min 100.0%

Syllabus plan/Content:
  • Introduction into specialist translation and communication with particular reference to Business English and its typical discourse genres
  • Fundamentals of computer-aided translation (CAT) with emphasis on hybrid machine translation using neural networks
  • Requirements for pre-editing and post-editing in computer-aided translation
  • Functionality of translation memory tools, their possibilities and limitations
  • Basics of computer-assisted terminology managament using online terminology databases, including the EU database IATE (Interactive Terminology for Europe)

Learning Goals
Subject-specific skills and competences: After completing the course students will be able
  • to make use of all available resources provided by computer hardware and software, online dictionaries, databases, translation programmes, etc.
  • to efficiently search for English and German terms (term mining)
  • to reflect computer-generated specialist translations critically
  • to formulate both grammatically and stylistically adequate English texts making use of the above-mentioned resources
Generic competences (Personal and key skills):
  • professional competence
  • social competence and team-working
  • decision-making competence
  • the ability for critical self-reflection
  • time management

Prerequisites: Knowledge of English and German (B2/C1 level)
Completion of the modules
Optional: Communication in the Business World (Intermediate)
Communication in the Business World (Upper-Intermediate)
Communication in the Business World (Advanced)

Literature: Literatur: Marta R. Costa-Jussà, Reinhard Rapp, Patrik Lambert u.a. (Hrsg.), Hybrid Approaches to Machine Translation (Theory and Applications of Natural Language Processing), Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2016

Dockhorn, Renate, SDL Trados Studio 2014 für Einsteiger und Umsteiger: Bild-zu-Bild-Anleitung mit MultiTerm, Berlin: BDÜ-Fachverlag, 2014

Popovic, Ana, Wie nützlich sind Translation-Memory- Systeme bei Fachübersetzungen? Eine praxisbezogene Arbeit unter Einsatz von SDL Trados und Across, Saarbrücken: AV Akademikerverlag, 2013

Reiner Arntz; Heribert Picht; Felix Mayer, Einführung in die Terminologiearbeit, Hildesheim; Zürich [u.a.]: Olms, 2004

Petra Drewer; Wolfgang Ziegler, Technische Dokumentation: eine Einführung in die übersetzungsgerechte Texterstellung und in das Content-Management, Würzburg: Vogel Business Media, 2014

Behrens, Alexander, Lokalisierbarkeit von User-Interface-Strings : übersetzerische Aspekte der Internationalisierung und Lokalisierung von Software, untersucht anhand der Übersetzungsrichtlungen Englisch-Deutsch und Englisch-Russisch, Dissertation, Universität Leipzig, 2015 (erschienen 2016)