Letzte Änderung : 24.01.2025 22:00:32   


Code: 267600
Module title: Renewable Energy
Version: 1.0 (08/2020)
Last update: 18.01.2021 07:23:38
Person responsible for content: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frana, Karel

Semester according to timetable: WiSe (winter semester)
Module level:All study levels
Duration:1 semester
Language of Instruction:English
Place where the module will be offered:Zittau

ECTS Credits: 3
Student workload (in hours): 90

Number of hours of teaching:
subdivided into
Laboratory work
Self study time (in hours):


Learning and teaching methods:The knowledge will be communicated by lectures. Practical exercises will deepen the understanding.
Further information: The lecture will be given by Prof. Karel Frana, PhD, TU Liberec (karel.frana@hszg.de).

Assessment Major exam (laboratory work)

Syllabus plan/Content: Introduction to Renewable Energies

Solar power

- Solar irradiation, shading effect, solar irradiation constant
- Solar thermal power - concentrating and non-concentrating solar power, - Solar water heating technology, electricity generation by solar power
- Photovoltaics – photovoltaics cells, electrical circuits, efficiency of the photovoltaics cells and systems

Water power

- Water energy potential, history and perspectives, type of the water power plants, water turbines, efficiency, design and application conditions
- See water power, tidal, wave and ocean current power plants

Wind power

- Wind power potential, historical background, wind speed distribution, design of the wind power
- Efficiency and Betz factor, blade rotors and aerodynamics, blade rotor regulation


- Use of Biomass, solid biomass, liquid biomass, gaseous biomass
- Biomass cogeneration plant

Learning Goals
Subject-specific skills and competences: After successful participation in this module, the students will be able to independently carry out basic design and calculation of the renewable energy systems representing by wind, solar, water and biomass energy. Furthermore, students can estimate potentials and basic processes in the renewable energy systems. They will be able to express and describe the fundamental components of the energy systems and develop suitable solution methods in the group.
Generic competences (Personal and key skills): Recognition of basic physical principles in technical tasks

- Use of balance equations for the quantitative analysis of systems
- Development of work techniques to solve engineering tasks
- Group work with multi-part tasks
- Ability to communicate and self-critical evaluation of own solution approaches
- Complex and analytical problem consideration

Prerequisites: none

Literature: - Unger. Alternative Energietechnik. Teubner Verlag.
- Schmidt. Regenerative Energien in der Praxis, Verlag Bauwesen.
- Gasch. Windkraftanlagen. Teubner Verlag.
- Hau. Windkraftanlagen. Springer Verlag.
- Heier. Windkraftanlagen. Springer Vieweg.
- Zahoransky. Energietechnik, Vieweg Verlag.
- Giesecke, Heimerl, Mosonyi. Wasserkraftanlagen. Springer Vieweg.