Code: | 234900 |
Module title: | Responsible Management |
Version: | 1.0 (07/2017) |
Last update: | 26.09.2022 12:40:02 | Person responsible for content: | Prof. Dr. Löhr, Albert |
Offered in 5 study courses: | Integrated Management Systems (M.Sc.) valid from class 2023 | Integrated Management Systems (M.Sc.) valid from class 2025 | Integrated Management (M.Sc.) valid from class 2020 | Integrated Management (M.Sc.) valid from class 2021 | International Management (M.Sc.) valid from class 2019 |
Semester according to timetable: | WiSe (winter semester) |
Module level: | Master |
Duration: | 1 semester |
Language of Instruction: | English |
Place where the module will be offered: | Zittau |
ECTS Credits: | 5 |
Student workload (in hours): | 150 |
Number of hours of teaching: | |||||
Lecture |
Seminar/Exercise |
Laboratory work |
Other |
Self study time (in hours): | |||||
Learning and teaching methods: | Lectures (3 hrs/wk), practical sessions (1 hr/wk) and self-study. Lectures and practical sessions are held in English. |
Further information: | This module is a core module for the Business Ethics and Responsible Management and International Management master’s degree programmes. This module is also one of nine electives for the Biodiversity and Collection Management master’s degree programme, of which four must be selected. Credit points are earned upon successful completion of the module. This module is examined with one exam at the end of the semester in English of 120 minutes. 5 credit points are awarded for this module. The module grade is the grade achieved in the examination. This module runs once per year in the winter semester. The total workload for this module is 150 hours. Of these, 60 hours are allocated for lectures and teaching activities and 90 hours for self-study, including exam preparation and the examination itself. |
Exam(s) | |||
Assessment | Major written exam | 120 min | 100.0% |
Syllabus plan/Content: | The module comprises the key concepts of strategic management and its transformation into responsible management, in particular: a) basic concepts – management and responsibility b) business in competition c) historical development of the theory of business management (from long-range planning, business policy and business strategy, to sustainable and responsible management) d) the strategic management process: battle versus balance e) shareholder management versus stakeholder management f) environmental and resource analysis g) value chain analysis (development of globally distributed value chain structures) h) strategic management in the transformation process i) strategic control j) business strategy and corporate strategy k) possibilities and limitations for transforming strategic management into responsible management (UN PRME) l) case studies on individual topic areas. |
Learning Goals | |
Subject-specific skills and competences: | Students will learn about the main trends in the development of strategic management including the latest concepts and their methodical instru-ments. They will gain an understanding that the central challenge in the transformation of traditional strategic concepts as a battle for market share and profits is giving way to holistic and responsible management strategies that give consideration to social, ecological and ethnic interests (orientation around the paradigm of sustainability), and that this trans-formation process is only just in its infancy. Students will be familiar with the necessity and possibilities for the holistic and responsible management of businesses (“responsible management” or “managerial respon-sibility”) using current theoretical discussions and relevant practical experiences from business. They will be familiar with the currently available methodical instruments required for developing holistic and responsible management strategies and be aware of the key challenges in global management on the road to a paradigm of sustainability. Students will therefore possess a good understanding of the possibilities and the limits of responsible management in theory and in practice. |
Generic competences (Personal and key skills): | see above |
Prerequisites: | Basic knowledge of general management is required. Literature: Ger.: Steinmann, H./Schreyögg, G./Koch, J.: Management. Grundlagen der Unternehmensführung. Konzepte – Funktionen – Fallstudien, 7th edition, Verlag Springer Gabler 2013. Engl.: Drucker, P.: Management. Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices, Harper Business 1985 ff. Springer Gabler 2013. engl.: Drucker, P.: Management. Tasks, Responsibilities, Practic-es, Harper Business 1985 ff. |
Optional: | none |
Literature: | Bea, F. X. / Haas, J.: Strategisches Management, UVK Lucius, Konstanz/München 2013. Ennals, R.: Responsible Management: Corporate Responsibility and Working Life (CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance). Berlin 2014. Koontz, H. / O‘Donnell, C.: Principles of Management. An Analysis of Managerial Functions, McGraw-Hill, New York 1955 (11. Aufl.: Weihrich / Koontz: Management, 2004) Kreikebaum, H. / Gilbert, D. U. / Behnam, M.: Strategisches Management, Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 2011. Laasch, O. / Conaway, R.N.: Principles of Responsible Management. Glocal Sustainability, Responsibility, and Ethics, Cengage Learning 2014 Mintzberg, H. / Ahlstrand, B. / Lampel, J.: Strategy Safari. A Guided Tour Through the Wilds of Strategic Management, The Free Press, New York 1998. Porter, M. E.: Competitive Strategy, div. Ausg. engl./dt., 1983 ff. Porter, M. E.: Competitive Advantage, div. Ausg. engl./dt., 1985 ff. Sanford, C. (2011): The Responsible Business. Reimagining Sustainability and Success, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Steinmann, H. / Schreyögg, G. / Koch, J.: Management. Grundlagen der Unternehmensführung. Konzepte – Funktionen – Methoden, 7. Aufl., Wiesbaden 2013: Gabler. Von Clausewitz, C.: Vom Kriege, Hinterlassenes Werk, Berlin 1832 (Ullstein 1998). |