Letzte Änderung : 17.01.2025 09:59:02   


Code: 214350
Module title: Artificial Neural Networks
Version: 1.0 (03/2016)
Last update: 5.04.2023 07:08:59
Person responsible for content: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kästner, Wolfgang

Offered in 4 study courses:
Automation and Mechatronics (B.Eng.) valid from class 2018
Automation and Mechatronics (B.Eng.) valid from class 2021
Electrical Engineering (B.Eng.) valid from class 2024
Mechatronics (M.Eng.) valid from class 2019

Semester according to timetable: WiSe (winter semester)
Module level:Bachelor/Diplom
Duration:1 semester
Language of Instruction:English
Place where the module will be offered:Zittau

ECTS Credits: 5
Student workload (in hours): 150

Number of hours of teaching:
subdivided into
Laboratory work
Self study time (in hours):
subdivided into
Preparation of contact hours
Preparation of exam

Learning and teaching methods:The methodical aspects of the topic will be communicated by lectures. Seminars and exercises as well as practical courses at laboratory (PC tool) serve for consolidation of knowledge.
Further information: PC-based exercises will be realized to train the handling of simulation tools.

Assessment Major examination (written report)

Syllabus plan/Content:
  • foundations of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)

  • application of ANN for modelling and classification

  • modelling using Multilayer Perceptron (MLP)

  • MLP - structure, demonstration example, software

  • classification using on Kohonen Maps (SOM)

  • SOM - structure, demonstration example, software

  • applications

  • simulation tools

Learning Goals
Subject-specific skills and competences: The students analyze a data base of process and identify the necessity of data preparation. They design data-based models in form of multilayer perceptron as well as classifiers in form of self-organizing maps. They evaluate the quality of designed algorithms based on simulation
Generic competences (Personal and key skills): The students are able to create and realize strategies for problem solving from the individual point of view or as a result of teamwork.
The students use approaches of system theory. The students evaluate their results and are able to present the results.

Prerequisites: competence from following module (without burden of proof):
- Mathematics
Optional: competence from module:
- Signals and Systems

Literature: Kruse, R. / Mostaghim, S. / Borgelt, C.: Computational Intelligence. Springer, 2022
Keller, J.: Computational Intelligence. John Wiley & Sons, 2016
Kroll, A.: Computational Intelligence. De Gruyter, 2016
Kruse, R. / Borgelt, C. / Braune, C. / Klawonn, F.: Computational Intelligence. Springer, 2015
Sonnet, D. Neuronale Netze kompakt. Springer, 2022
Ertel, W.: Grundkurs Künstliche Intelligenz. Springer, 2021
Lämmel, U. / Cleve, J.: Künstliche Intelligenz. Carl Hanser, 2020
Beierle, C. / Kern-Isberner, G.: Methoden wissensbasierter Systeme. Springer, 2019