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Studiengänge >> Integrierte Managementsysteme 2023 M.Sc. >> Theory-Practice-Transfer: Development and Assessment of Management Systems

Module title:Theory-Practice-Transfer: Development and Assessment of Management Systems
Version:1.0 (05/2020)
Last update: 28.09.2022
Responsible person: Prof. Dr. rer.pol. Brauweiler, Jana

Offered in 4 study courses:
Integrated Management (M.Sc.) valid from class 2020
Integrated Management (M.Sc.) valid from class 2021
Integrated Management Systems (M.Sc.) valid from class 2023
Integrated Management Systems (M.Sc.) valid from class 2025

Semester according to time table:WiSe (winter semester)
Module level:Master
Duration:1 semester
Status:elective core module (specialization)
Place where the module will be offered:Zittau
Language of Instruction:English

Workload* in SCH **



*Overall workload per module (1 ECTS credit corresponds to a workload of 30 hours)
**One semester credit hour (SCH) corresponds to a workload / class meeting of 45 minutes per week in a semester

Self study time in hours
subdivided into
Preperation of contact hours
Preparation of exam

Learning and teaching methods:- Briefing on the TPT task, project management and the "product" to be developed
- Kick-off meeting with the practice partners, coordination of project assignment
- one day internship per week in the TPT company
- Independent processing of the TPT task in a team
- Mandatory consultations with the university supervisors
- Interim and final presentation
- Product documentation

Assessment Major exam (presentation)

Syllabus plan/Content: By means of an application project in a real company, students work in a team of 2-4 students on a concrete practical task from the field of management systems (TPT task). The knowledge acquired so far during the studies is deepened and applied and the students develop a solution proposal. The students work on the TPT task largely independently by defining and reporting on the project goals, the process and the work packages to be worked on independently with the entrepreneurial client. This procedure is embedded in a roughly defined project plan, which consists of a kick-off meeting, practical phases in the companies, consultations with the lecturers, an interim and final presentation. The project plan as well as the interim results have to be regularly coordinated with the lecturers and the companies and released by them.

Learning Outcomes:
Subject-specific skills and competences:After successful participation in this module:

- the students are able to grasp, structure and evaluate an interdisciplinary management problem using a wide range of methods and to identify the current situation and assess it according to strengths and weaknesses in order to derive action requirements.
- students are able to derive, work out and implement solutions for the identified needs for action by using their specialist and methodological knowledge to develop a management system further, taking into account legal, technical, economic and social requirements.
- students are able to integrate the proposed solutions into the overall management system concept.
- students are able to visualize the proposed solutions and the overall concept by means of "product documentation" and to present their results to operational decision-makers at any time.
Generic competences (Personal and key skills):After completing this module, students are able to
- organize project work under practical conditions and bring it to a successful conclusion.
- to develop and implement solutions for complex and novel problems based on theoretical principles and by means of initiative and creativity.
- to recognize signs of conflict and to actively participate in the conflict resolution process.
- to extract knowledge from different areas and to combine or apply it in an appropriate way.
- to integrate into a team, but also to take responsibility.
- to discuss the results of their work with experts and to present them successfully to a client using appropriate presentation techniques.

Pre-requisites:Enrolment in the study programm "Integrated Management"/"Integrated Managemement Systems"

Literature:- ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1 Consolidated ISO Supplement - Procedures specific to ISO, Annex SL
- DIN EN ISO 9000:2015: Quality management systems - Principles and terms
- DIN EN ISO 9001:2015: Quality management systems - Requirements
- DIN EN ISO 14001:2015: Environmental management systems - Requirements
- DIN EN ISO 45001:2015: Occupational health and safety management systems - Requirements with guidance for use
- DIN EN ISO 50001:2018: Energy management systems - Requirements with guidance for use
- ISO/IEC 27001:2013 + Cor. 1:2014: Information technology - IT security procedures - Information security management systems - Requirements
- ISO/IEC DIS 27000:2015: IT security procedures - Information security management systems - Overview and terminology